forging men
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ALERT’s Purpose is to forge extraordinary men who influence their world for Christ.
ALERT utilizes a military-style structure, intentional discipleship, unique experiences, and professional skills training to create an environment that facilitates the forging process. Our goal is to create men who are spiritually sound, physically fit, and ready to serve.
Are you ready to go beyond the ordinary?
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Training Overview
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“Every day at ALERT, I learn to depend on Christ more. I’ve learned there is always room to grow, that I don’t have all the answers, and most importantly, that it is my walk with Him that really matters.”
Kenjie S. | Unit 66
“Before I came to the ALERT program, my life was without direction and purpose. I would spend my time working dead-end jobs and playing video games, and occasionally participating in outdoor activities if invited. After going through Basic training, I saw a glimpse of what I could be if I wanted to change. Over my time at ALERT, I have seen God’s grace to me as my faith and reliance on Him grew. I can say for certain that ALERT has changed my life for the better in terms of leadership, discipline, physical strength, and so much more. I will forever be grateful to this program and the men in it.”
Joshua L. | Unit 64
“The unique tensions and challenges that I faced here forced me to rely on God and get out of my comfort zone. It taught me to behave with conviction, think with clarity, and speak with authority. ALERT gave me a valuable perspective about life, God, and people that I never had before.”
Len N. | Unit 61
Throwback Thursday - Unit 33 during Morning PT.
Unit 33 was in Basic Training from March 21 - May 20, 2005.
For more photos of Unit 33, visit our Flickr account at the link in our bio

Nah nah nah nah
Nah nah nah nah
Hey ey ey goodbye
Strong to serve men, strong to serve men
Hey ey ey strong to serve

Caleb Nelson Memorial Race
Petty Officer 1st Class Nelson was an ALERT alumni (Unit 30) and Navy Seal who was killed in Afghanistan in 2011. Twice a year we run a 12 mile, mixed-event race in his memory. The race is comprised of a 3.8-mile run, 0.4 mile swim, 6.5 mile pack run with a 40 lb pack, a short swim across the lake floating your pack, and a 1.3 mile run to the finish line.
Spc Jensen won Saturday’s race with a finish time of 2:15:36, RFC Holmes came in second with a finish time of 2:19:59, and RFC Brimacombe came in third with a finish time of 2:34:14.

Basic Training Registration Closes Today
Modeled after military boot camp, Basic Training is a physically and mentally demanding nine weeks designed to challenge you, broaden your perspective, and most importantly, help you root your life in the Gospel. Basic Training focuses on developing personal discipline, attention to detail, teamwork, time management, and healthy spiritual habits. Key training elements are Bible study, scripture memorization, physical training, hiking, skills training, and drill & ceremony. Basic Training is not easy, but its lessons last a lifetime.
The application closes Friday, March 14, 2025. For more information or to register for Unit 72, please visit the link in our bio.
#ALERTAcademy #forgingmen

Throwback Thursday - Unit 32 during a stretching session.
Unit 32 was in Basic Training from September 14 - November 12, 2004.
For more photos of Unit 32, visit our Flickr account at the link in our bio
#ALERTAcademy #forgingmen

We like to party
Party, party
And when we party
We like to party all night long
Your left (Right)
Your left (Right)
Say what (Drop, beat your face, get off your knees and rock this place)
#ALERTAcademy #forgingmen

ALERT Aviation
Whether you want to fly an airline jet or be a missionary pilot in a distant jungle, the starting point is the same: getting your Private Pilot certification. ALERT’s flight training program is an intense, competitively priced course that trains pilots to use their skills for ministry or to pursue a career in commercial aviation. Students spend time with flight instructors working on ground school and building flight experience as they move toward their first solo flight and then log hours towards their Private Pilot certification. For students who want to continue their flight training, further certifications are available on a case-by-case basis.
The next aviation course starts August 30, 2025. For more information on ALERT Aviation, please see the link to our bio.

Can you clearly articulate your beliefs?
ALERT’s Leadership & Communications course introduces students to the skills needed to successfully influence people and articulate ideas from a Christian perspective. The course is designed to prepare students to be better leaders, husbands, and fathers. Topics covered include public speaking, foundational leadership principles, personal finances, apologetics, and more.
For more information on our training options or for our full training calendar, please see the link in our bio.

Awards and Promotions
The 2025-1 awards and promotions ceremony took place today as we close out the first training quarter of the year. Congratulations to all the men who promoted, and especially to Jon Paul Thomas, Wyatt Miller, Micah Walker, Jack Butts, and Ithiel Park, who joined the ranks of ALERT NCOs with their promotion to the rank of Corporal.
For more information about the ALERT Academy, please see the link in our bio.
#ALERTAcademy #forgingmen

Everywhere I go
There’s a drill instructor there
And everywhere I go
There’s a drill instructor there
A drill instructor
A drill instructor
You’ve got your eye on me
#ALERTAcademy #forgingmen