ALERT Update | May 24, 2022

by | May 24, 2022 | All News

On Friday, we have the distinct privilege of advancing the men of our 66th Unit out of Basic Training. While finishing Basic is a huge accomplishment, we do not view it as the completion of their journey, but rather the beginning. Regardless of where the men of Unit 66 go next, whether to 2nd Phase or elsewhere, we hope and pray that the experiences and training that they received in Basic will be a valuable foundation for their lives. We do not train men so that they conform to the external standard of a “perfect ALERT man”, all starched and ironed with cropped hair. Our goal is to put the Gospel on display through our training in such a way that the men leave campus wanting to live for Christ and glorify Him in everything that they do. That is how we gauge success in our training.

In Christ,

2nd Lieutenant Samuel Winkler | Unit 42
ALERT Public and Alumni Relations
