When hardship comes into our lives, we don’t get to decide when it arrives, and we don’t always understand why it’s happening. Yet it comes regardless. Here at ALERT, we often format our training to include simulated hardships in an endeavor to teach vital life lessons. One of the lessons hardship can teach us is that the life circumstances we find ourselves in should not affect how we view our standing before God or cause us to doubt His endless love for us. No matter what is going on in our lives, we can rest in the love that the Father has laid upon us, knowing He will never leave us or forsake us.
I am reminded of the story of Job in scripture. When God allowed Job to experience incredible hardship, He never told Job why these things happened to him. Instead, God reminded Job of His power and loving control over everything, including Job—and that was enough! No matter how hard life gets, we can always rest in the care of our loving Heavenly Father.
Sergeant Major Avery Whitaker | Unit 62
ALERT Battalion Sergeant Major