Is the Gospel a Doorway into Christianity?

by | Jul 2, 2024 | ALERT Ethos

The first line of ALERT’s ethos is “The Gospel transforms a man,” but what do we mean by that? Isn’t the Gospel the doorway into Christianity that we leave behind us as we progress down the path of faith? Not at all. The Gospel is the good news of what Christ has done on our behalf—remove our sin and give us His holiness so that we can have a relationship with our Creator. That changes every part of our entire life, from now through eternity.

The Gospel is what guides our relationships with each other. It changes how we pray, how we read our Bibles, and how we relate to God. The Gospel destroys our efforts at using self-made righteousness and pharisaical religiosity in an attempt to earn the unearnable—favor with God. It gives us our identity, and provides an anchor for our souls as they endure the buffeting of life on this side of eternity. In short, the Gospel transforms a man.

1st Lieutenant Samuel Winkler | Unit 42
ALERT Public and Alumni Relations
