forging men
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ALERT’s Purpose is to forge extraordinary men who influence their world for Christ.
ALERT utilizes a military-style structure, intentional discipleship, unique experiences, and professional skills training to create an environment that facilitates the forging process. Our goal is to create men who are spiritually sound, physically fit, and ready to serve.
Are you ready to go beyond the ordinary?
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Training Overview
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“Every day at ALERT, I learn to depend on Christ more. I’ve learned there is always room to grow, that I don’t have all the answers, and most importantly, that it is my walk with Him that really matters.”
Kenjie S. | Unit 66
“Before I came to the ALERT program, my life was without direction and purpose. I would spend my time working dead-end jobs and playing video games, and occasionally participating in outdoor activities if invited. After going through Basic training, I saw a glimpse of what I could be if I wanted to change. Over my time at ALERT, I have seen God’s grace to me as my faith and reliance on Him grew. I can say for certain that ALERT has changed my life for the better in terms of leadership, discipline, physical strength, and so much more. I will forever be grateful to this program and the men in it.”
Joshua L. | Unit 64
“The unique tensions and challenges that I faced here forced me to rely on God and get out of my comfort zone. It taught me to behave with conviction, think with clarity, and speak with authority. ALERT gave me a valuable perspective about life, God, and people that I never had before.”
Len N. | Unit 61
Throwback Thursday - Unit 28, R-Night.
Unit 28 was in Basic Training from October 1 - November 30, 2002.
For more photos of Unit 28, visit our Flickr account at the link in our bio

When I go home my momma she will say
How’d you earn your living how’d you earn your pay
I’ll reply with a point to my chest
Earned my living in the leaning rest
When I go home my buddies they will say
How’d you earn our living how’d you earn your pay
I’ll reply with a point to my bod
Earned my living on a serving squad
#ALERTAcademy #forgingmen

Are you ready to accept the challenge?
Basic Training is the first step in ALERT’s three-phase training program. Modeled after military boot camp, this phase is a physically and mentally demanding nine weeks that is designed to challenge you, broaden your perspective, and most importantly help you root your life in the Gospel. Basic Training focuses on developing personal discipline, attention to detail, teamwork, time management, and healthy spiritual habits. Key training elements are Bible study, scripture memorization, physical training, hiking, skills training, and drill & ceremony. Basic Training is not easy, but the lessons it teaches last a lifetime.
The Early Registration deadline for Unit 72 is Monday, February 10, and the application closes Friday, March 14, 2025. For more information, or to register for Unit 72, please visit the link in our bio.
#ALERTAcademy #forgingmen

"While all men seek after happiness, scarcely one in a hundred looks for it from God." — John Calvin
#ALERTAcademy #forgingmen

Early registration discount ending soon!
There is still time to get the early registration discount. Register for any of our spring quarter training options by Monday, February 3, and get $100 off the cost of training. Training options available next quarter are: Aviation, Cadre, Dive, EMT, Construction, Missions, and Technical Rescue.
For more information on our 3rd phase training options, please visit our website at the link in our bio. To register for training, fill out the Returning Battalion Registration form under Admissions on the website.

Invented in the Northwoods of Michigan (where it could be played in the snow), gatorball is only played once a year during the Reunion. A mix of soccer and football, gatorball is played with multiple balls and as many people as want to play at once. Join the game, or come watch the fun, and try not to break any bones!
Join us February 7-9, 2025 for the ALERT Reunion—a time of refreshment, renewing friendships, and spiritual encouragement.
Register for the reunion on our website:
#ALERTAcademy #forgingmen #reunion

Throwback Thursday - Unit 27`s Advancement
Unit 27 was in Basic Training from May 28 - July 27, 2002.
For more photos of Unit 27, visit our Flickr account at the link in our bio.

2nd Phase Introduction to Construction is a 1.5-day mini course designed to familiarize participants with basic tools, building principles, and fundamental home repair principles. Those interested in exploring construction further are encouraged to return for our 12-week construction course."

Billy the Kid said before he died
There were five things that he wanted to ride
Bicycle, tricycle, automobile
A bow-legged pony and a ferris-wheel.

Over 2,800 men have joined the brotherhood of ALERT since Unit 1 started in February of 1994. The ALERT Reunion is a great time to come together to celebrate our shared past, and look forward to the continued work of forging that God will complete in each of our lives.
Join us February 7-9, 2025 for the ALERT Reunion—a time of refreshment, renewing friendships, and spiritual encouragement.
Register for the reunion on our website:

ALERT’s Construction course gives men a solid foundation of construction skills, preparing them to excel in whatever specialty they choose. Through a blend of classroom instruction with industry professionals, hands-on practice, and on-the-job training and experience, the course offers a unique overview of the construction industry and the knowledge and skills needed to succeed.
Topics covered include:
• Drywall
• Flooring
• Painting
• Carpentry
• Plumbing 101
• Electrical 101
• General Contracting
• Reading blueprints
• Bidding jobs
The next Construction course will start March 8, 2025. For more information on our training options or for our full training calendar, please see the link in our bio.