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1st Phase

Basic Training

Basic Training is a mentally and physically demanding boot camp that develops respect, discipline, humility, and mental resilience. Our goal in this phase is to forge men of character who understand their calling as men and who are developing a spiritual foundation to be built on in future training.

Length: 9 weeks

2nd Phase

Intermediate Training

Intermediate Training is designed to develop personal competence, critical thinking, life purpose, and a service-mindset through a variety of skills and experiences. Our goal in this phase is to create a desire for maturity and personal growth in each man as they move into their third phase of training and accept their calling as men.

Length: 9 weeks

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3rd Phase

Advanced Training

Advanced Training sharpens men through professional instruction, hands-on experience, and intentional mentorship in the training option of their choice. Our goal in this phase is to equip men with skills that will enable them to excel in the workplace, and prepare them to influence their world for Christ wherever they go.

Length: 12 weeks

Advanced Training Options






Fire Academy

Leadership & Communications


Tech Rescue
