
What Have You Been Living For?

What Have You Been Living For?

Last night Unit 71 completed R-Night and entered Basic Training. As the recruits were welcomed into Basic, I asked them these questions, "What have you been living for?" and "What makes life worth living?" Ultimately life isn't just about you, but about serving the...

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Growth Through Training

Growth Through Training

The first step in any ALERT man’s “career” is going through Basic Training. There is nothing quite like the experience of going through R-Night then getting woken up the next day for your first morning of Basic Training. On Thursday, Unit 71 will arrive for...

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The Christian life was never meant to be lived alone. Jesus himself set the example for us. One of the first things he did when he began his ministry was to surround himself with men who desired to seek the Lord.  As I look back at the time I've spent...

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Joy In Hardship

Joy In Hardship

There I was, 2 am on the 24-hour endurance hike as a squad leader. Everyone was groggy and exhausted from the last 20 hours of hiking, and gloomy darkness surrounded us during another break. This was hard. I had an idea! What if we get our minds off the hardship for a...

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Quest 2024 Recap

Quest 2024 Recap

Last week we wrapped up Quest 2024, and closed out the final clean-up and leadership debriefs. As I look back on the past seven weeks, I am so thankful for how God worked in the life of each young man who spent the summer with us. On the one hand, Quest is a summer...

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What are the Reasons that We Serve?

What are the Reasons that We Serve?

During my time with ALERT, I have had the opportunity to go on many different deployments and service opportunities. These have ranged from local service projects to working with local law enforcement on search and recovery, to several international trips to assist in...

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