Farewell Letter from Colonel Tanner

by | Sep 16, 2016 | All News

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Faithful Endeavors Newsletter
September 8, 2016

And A Time to Every Purpose…!

Dear Friend,

Life is always changing, and sometimes those changes come in unforeseen ways as God orchestrates His will in our lives. Earlier today Dr. Tim Levendusky, the President of the International ALERT Academy, and I met with the ALERT and IBLP staff, as well as the Battalion, to announce the transition in leadership of ALERT from myself to Major Marv Behr.

Janet and I count it a privilege to have shared in the training of these young men that have passed through ALERT over the past 22 years. We have been blessed to be a part of a team that has seen many young men’s lives changed. We have seen some come to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, some who have grown stronger in the faith and many who have matured as Godly men. Our own sons benefited, not only from two of them going through the program, but all three serving on staff alongside of us.

We don’t know what God has in store for us or where He will lead, but we’re trusting in His faithfulness to guide, sustain, and provide. We have appreciated your friendship and prayers over these many years, as you have continually brought joy into our hearts as part of our team. We covet your prayers as we seek to know the Lord’s next steps for us.

We know that each of you loves and appreciates this ministry and we encourage your continued prayers and support for its leadership. Look for Major Behr to be contacting you with continuing updates. God bless!

Colonel John Tanner
