Reunion 2025

ALERT Reunion 2025

February 7-9, 2025

Join us for a weekend celebrating the past 31 years of God’s faithfulness! Over 2,800 men have joined the brotherhood of ALERT since Unit 1 started in February of 1994. The ALERT Reunion is a great time to come together to celebrate our shared past, and look forward to the continued work of forging that God will complete in each of our lives.

Bring your family and join us for an incredible weekend full of ALERT style fun—everything from a mini-snake walk to gatorball to family activities. There will also be encouraging sessions from a variety of speakers from ALERT’s history, as well as plenty of time to reconnect with old friends, meet new people, and celebrate your time at ALERT.



Attendee List




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Invented in the Northwoods of Michigan (where it could be played in the snow), gatorball is only played once a year during the Reunion. A mix of soccer and football, gatorball is played with multiple balls and as many people as want to play at once. Join the game, or come watch the fun, and try not to break any bones.

(Must be 16 years old to play)

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Mini Snake Walk

A creation of the famous Northwoods ARCs, the mini snake walk (less than two miles) incorporates the best of  Northwoods ingenuity and East Texas grit. Runners are divided into teams that run the race strung together by webbing. Instead of snow, expect a lot of mud and obstacles to conquer as a team. The snake walk includes both competitive teams running for time and less competitive teams running for fun.

(Must be 16 to run on a competitive team, or 12 to run on a non-competitive team)

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Family Activities

The reunion weekend is an event for the whole family! Challenge your family on the Low Ropes Course, try your hand at rock climbing and rappelling on the ALERT tower, play a game of disc golf, or participate in any of the other events designed for the whole family to participate.


Friday, February 7

1:00 PM      Registration Opens
6:00 PM     Dinner
7:00 PM     Session (Speaker: Lt. Col. Russell Moulton, Ret.)
8:00 PM     Games and Sports

Saturday, February 8

7:00 AM       PT and Cadence Run with Sergeant Major
9:00 AM      Coffee & Camaraderie
10:30 AM     Brunch
11:30 AM      Session (Speaker: Col. Jesse Boulden, Unit 40)
12:15 PM      Group Photo
12:30 PM     Activities
2:30 PM      Gator Ball
5:00 PM      Dinner
6:00 PM      Memorial Wall Ceremony
7:00 PM      Games and Sports
8:30 PM      Snake Walk

Sunday, February 9

10:00 AM     Brunch
11:00 AM      Worship Service (Speaker: Col. Marv Behr, Ret.)


Please check all details before booking your flight to ensure they fit within the required parameters.

If your travel arrangements are not within these parameters, you are responsible to find your own transportation to/from the airport.


ALERT only makes airport pick-ups from the following airports:

DFW – Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport
DAL – Dallas Love Field Airport

Date & Time Parameters

ALERT will only make airport pick-up/drop-offs within the following time parameters:

Arrival: Friday, February 7
Must be scheduled before 3:00 PM

Departure: Sunday, February 9
Must be scheduled after 3:00 PM

Deadline to sign up for airport pickup: January 31, 2025

Transportation Form

The transportation deadline has passed. Please email [email protected] to see if there are any additional seats available.

Frequently Asked Questions

What to Bring

The Reunion is a casual event, and uniforms are not required. Take a look at the schedule, and bring clothes for the events you want to participate in. You will need PT gear for the cadence run, PT with SMaj, and gatorball. Please also plan for the weather, as multiple events are outdoors. You will want to bring your unit shirt and/or deployment shirts to wear during the Reunion.

For the mini snake walk, bring a full change of clothes that you can get wet and muddy. Due to the race trail, you will want to run in pants, not shorts.

If you would like to wear BDUs for any of the events and don’t have a pair, you can purchase used pairs from the SMaj store once you arrive.


We are offering free transportation to/from the airport for those who sign up in advance. See the Transportation Form for details.

The deadline to sign up for airport pickup is:
January 31, 2025

If your travel arrangements are not within the parameters, you are responsible for your own transportation to/from the airport.

Who can come?

The ALERT Reunion is open to everyone! While primarily geared towards our alumni, former staff members, and their families, the Reunion is a great way to get to experience more of the camaraderie and culture of ALERT. Anyone interested in the ALERT program is welcome to attend.

Lodging & Meals

To register for the reunion or purchase meals and lodging, go to or call 903-636-9201.

Private and Semi-Private rooms on campus are available to rent on a first come first serve basis. We also have bunkroom style lodging available. For more information on housing options, please call 903-636-9201.

Meals Packages:
You can purchase individual meals or select one of the Reunion Meal Packages.
