ALERT Update | April 5, 2022

by | Apr 5, 2022 | All News

As I have worked with the men here at ALERT through the years, I have undergone many adventures with them. Some of these were tailor made to help teach us worthwhile lessons about teamwork or facing challenges with a positive attitude. Others, as God would have it, have been sprung on us with little warning or time to prepare. One thing I have grown to appreciate through it all is the wisdom of God’s design in those challenges. In each one, He strengthens, motivates, and reminds us of our need for others standing by our side in the midst of the fray.

I have often come back to the line from Shakespeare’s play King Henry V. In a motivational speech before the battle of Agincourt, King Henry encourages his men by pointing them to the greater strength and joy found through camaraderie in the midst of a battle:

     We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
     For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
     Shall be my brother.

Oh may God give us an ever-growing heart for others. A heart that is compelled to joyfully live out what we are called to be as members of Christ Jesus’ body.

For Christ and His kingdom,
Captain Daniel Hawley | Unit 46
ALERT 2nd Phase Training Officer
