The Challenge and Priviledge of Quest

by | May 21, 2024 | ALERT Updates

As we prepare for the Quest program this summer, I am reminded again of the challenge and privilege that it is to work with the young men each year. It is a challenge because of the increasing needs that young men today face. In 2021, the average age that a young man was first exposed to pornography was 11-12 years old, with some first exposures happening as young as 5 years old. In 2022, 21% of 10th graders and 33% of 12th graders reported illicit drug use. And in 2023, one in ten youth in the US experienced serious depression that severely impaired their ability to function at home or at school.

Facing these sobering statistics, it is a huge privilege to have the chance to work with young men each year. For four weeks each summer, the Quest leadership team gets to pour the Gospel into the lives of the students. Around hiking, camping, sports, skills classes, team building challenges, and more, we have the opportunity to speak truth into the lives of young men, and show them a better way. We get to show them Christ, who is our life, as revealed in the scriptures.

We are currently accepting registrations for Quest and Quest X 2024, so if you, or any young men you know, are interested, visit the website and apply today. And please pray for everyone involved in Quest this summer, and especially for the leadership team. 

1st Lieutenant Samuel Winkler | Unit 42
ALERT Public & Alumni Relations and Quest Director
