Growth Through Training

by | Sep 10, 2024 | ALERT Ethos

The first step in any ALERT man’s “career” is going through Basic Training. There is nothing quite like the experience of going through R-Night then getting woken up the next day for your first morning of Basic Training. On Thursday, Unit 71 will arrive for In-Processing, and the men of Unit 71 will experience their R-Night on Monday, September 16. Please be in prayer for each man involved in Unit 71, from the Commanding Officer, Major Hawley, to the cadre, and down to the last recruit in the alphabet. Pray for God to be at work in their lives over the next 9 weeks, shaping, growing, stretching, and challenging them, making them more like His Son. Pray for safety during the events and hikes. And pray that each man would walk away from Basic Training with a clearer view of God and a better knowledge and application of the Gospel in his life.

Captain Samuel Winkler | Unit 42
ALERT Battalion Commanding Officer
