I have a confession to make: I am a terrible journaler. I start and stop, journal off and on, and miss months or sometimes years between journal entries. Over the winter furlough I was flipping through a few of my old journals, rolling my eyes at my own lack of consistency, and I came across the following paragraph. I wrote this while I was the Sergeant Major over the ALERT Battalion back in 2012. At the time I was contemplating 1 Corinthians 1:25-31.
“These last few verses have stood out to me in the past, and once again stand out to me given the fact that ALERT does not have the “best” leaders in the world. We don’t have the strongest, fastest, or smartest people out there. It even seems that a lot of our people (including me) tend to make “soft choices” in how we use our time and our talents at least from the world’s perspective. And I tend to get frustrated with how things are down here, and I know that I myself am part of the problem. But then I see this: “let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord”. The one and the only reason that anything here is still working or up and running is by the grace of God. He gets all the glory and Him alone! By all accounts, we should have fallen apart years ago. But we’re still here. And the second we forget that and start looking to ourselves for the “answers” or the “praise” is when God stops using us. What better way or situation to give God the full glory for what He is doing.”
Here I sit 10 years later, and those words are as true today as they were then. I look back at the faithfulness of God over the last 28 years of ALERT’s history and give Him the glory. And I look ahead to whatever He has in store for us in 2022, and I want to continue to give Him the glory!
This coming semester please continue to keep us in your prayers as we set about “Forging Men” for the kingdom. The men returned to training Saturday for the winter quarter. We have 24 men in 2nd Phase, 6 in Leadership and Communications, 2 in Aviation, one in CST, and 9 men serving as Battalion Leadership.
God Bless, and Happy New Year from the ALERT Academy!
Major Jesse Boulden
ALERT Commanding Officer