Unit 67 has advanced out of our first phase of training! Last Friday, 47 men completed the adventure we call Basic Training. It feels like only last week we were kicking things off with their R-Night. The weeks are long, but the days are short. Thank you so much to everyone who has prayed for us over the last nine weeks of training, and especially to those of you who were able to join us for the Advancement ceremony.
Please keep the men in your continued prayers as they go home, make the transition back into everyday life, and consider continuing their training here next year. Pray that they will make the right life choices, and live both on purpose and with a higher purpose than themselves. Our goal for these men as they leave Basic is that they would be men who take their eyes off of themselves and lift up their heads to see a broken and dying world in need of the Gospel. Pray that they would find their role to play as men presenting the Gospel to the world around them, both today and for the rest of their lives.
Stand strong!
Major Jesse Boulden | Unit 40
ALERT Commanding Officer