Turning to Christ in Hardship

by | May 23, 2023 | ALERT Ethos

We believe that hardship is something God uses to mature us in our walk with Him. This is because experiencing hardship helps remind us of how deeply we need Christ, and how helpless we are apart from His work of grace in our lives. In hardship, we should take the opportunity to focus on the love that Christ poured out for us, rather than the difficulties at hand. With Christ in mind, we can embrace hardship. Not because it will make us stronger in and of ourselves, but because it drives us closer to the Savior who said that nothing will be able to separate us from His love, as long as we abide in Him. (Romans 8:35-39) When hardship comes in life, and it will, turn to Christ and abide in His love.

Sergeant Major Avery Whitaker | Unit 62
ALERT Battalion Sergeant Major
