The Good News is the central point of the Christian’s life. But do we really live that way? As Don Carson writes, “for many today the ‘gospel’ refers not to the glorious, comprehensive Good News disclosed in Scripture but to a very simplistic reduction of it…The gospel is God’s comprehensive Good News that not only initiates salvation but orders all of life in this world and the next.” So often I too reduce the message of salvation to merely a one-time decision confirming one’s faith. It is far more; it is the foundational truth that Christ has taken our sins, freely given us His righteousness, and calls us into an eternal relationship with Him. Receiving, embracing, and living out this truth in everyday life gives purpose in an otherwise directionless world.
We must daily communicate the whole message of this glorious gift both to ourselves and to those whose lives we touch. May we all view Christ’s act of redemption and its implications with far greater passion and conviction. Not only allowing its message to permeate our own hearts, but letting it drive us to new heights in bringing others to that same conviction.
Colonel Marv Behr
ALERT Commanding Officer